[Shower] Premium SinSu LED shower

- 제품명
- Premium SinSu LED shower
- Components
- 1 product
- Specifications
- 80 * 260 mm
- Material
- PP, Silicone, sus304, chlorine removal ball, antibacterial ball
- manufacturer
- Ionpolis Co., Ltd. / Korea
- 관련링크 1
• Luxurious SF coating for soft grip
• Design that makes it easy to check the degree of contamination of the internal filter
• Built-in LED that self-generates with the principle of hydroelectric power generation
↪ You can check the water temperature in three colors
↪ 35 degrees ↓: Blue / 35 to 40 degrees: Green / 40 degrees ↑: Red
• Easy installation and filter replacement
• Built-in 7-stage filter including active carbon filter (AFC), a material resistant to heavy metals
↪ Removes rust, heavy metals, microplastics, residual chlorine, etc.
* Configuration of built-in filters may vary
• About 280 precision-machined micro-hole stainless water spray plates
↪ water pressure rise
↪ Acquired eco-friendly label certification from the Ministry of Environment, demonstrating outstanding water-saving effect
↪ Certification number: 20894 / Certification reason: Improvement of resource circulation
Selected as a promising export small and medium-sized business for 4 consecutive years & Acquired Korea guarantee brand K.
As a priority purchase item for public institutions registered with the Public Procurement Service, it is supplied to domestic companies / government offices such as Korail Distribution Co., Ltd., Korea Electric Power Corporation, Korea Water Resources Corporation, Ministry of Small and Medium Business Venture Business, Incheon Regional Small and Medium Venture Business Administration, Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled, East Gyeonggi Branch